Sunday, November 27, 2022

Joerg Arnu of

 Joerg-Arnu had quite an ordeal in November. Apparently, the authorities busted into his home, because he allegedly had acquired some forbidden information. Fortunatly, Joerg was able to go on to tell his side of the story.

In contrast, John+Greenewald has been able to avoid such rough treatment.

UFOs and Area 51 Exposed ,

Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR3b Black Manta

What's behind all this (ancient) technology? If one were to deduce that this all stems back to very advanced ancient ET technology, then of course some of it would have been imitated or copied by now.

The Mysterious Genius Who Patented the UFO

The (attempt to build a) Real Flying Saucer

US Navy "UFO Patents" (and shapes)

US Navy's Secret Advanced Technologies

Black Helicopters - Why Do They Appear? Who Sends Them? ,

BOC - Take Me Away One of the greatest songs about the MIB and other strange and paranormal things.

Soul Coughing - Unmarked Helicopters X-Files version.