Friday, April 02, 2010

"Welcome, to the desert of the real."

Desert-Shapes and Other Cosmic Mysteries is an exploration into all sorts of things from various sources & perspectives.

Is reality an immense recording & projection of space & time for consciousness to interact within? Metaphorically like a cosmic hard drive. This is just one of the multitude of subjects & topics that desertshapes explores.  

{When Morpheus is explaining "What the Matrix is" to Neo, he uses the phrase, "Welcome, to the desert of the real." This is a paraphrase from Jean Baudrillard's "Simulacra and Simulation", the hollowed-out book where Neo keeps his illegal software. The quote can be found in Chapter One - The Precession of Simulacra, Page one, Paragraph 2, "It is the real, and not the map, whose vestiges persist here and there in the deserts that are no longer those of the Empire, but ours. The desert of the real itself." NB: The American title of Baudrillard's book is Simulations. It was published by Semiotext(e) in 1983. }
{" The resistance leader Morpheus utters the ironic greeting: "Welcome to the desert of the real." Was it not something of the similar order that took place in New York on September 11? Its citizens were introduced to the "desert of the real" - to us, corrupted by Hollywood, the landscape and the shots we saw of the collapsing towers could not but remind us of the most breathtaking scenes in the catastrophe big productions."}
The Holographic Universe Theory implies that information & reality is stored on many levels. The Wheel_of_time is an ancient concept for the cosmos being like an immense hard drive of space, time & consciousness, etc. Questioning & examining reality can reveal several clues about the larger aspects of reality. Buddhism implies that the universe has an operating system. Indeed, somehow this system returns the consciousness of a person into another body for another life experience. The rebirth process is like a wheel in a vast cosmic machine. However, the concept of past lives & reincarnation isn't limited to Buddhism. Reincarnation_research has revealed several clues to something like a cosmic OS. - The Dharma path like Hinduism, Sikhism & the Abrahamic_religions have their gods as creator & pinnacle of the cosmos. While life on earth seems real, there is the belief of higher levels of reality beyond the earth plane of existence. These higher levels in comparison to the earth plane, apparently make earth life more like an illusion within a much larger reality.
So The_Matrix is about people realizing that they are linked to digital characters on a hard drive. Until they are awakened & rescued, their real bodies remain in towering, sprawling controlled sensory immersion pods. The story provides a glimpse into possible super advanced future VR technology where the experiencer doesn't realize that they are inside a constructed sensory environment.
Although Robert_Jordan didn't directly refer to a cosmic hard drive, he did create his own Wheel of Time Mythology. After the end credits of Vanilla Sky, when the music ends you can clearly hear the sound of a record player stopping. Perhaps a symbolic reference to a particular disc program ending. All throughout history, there have been accounts of people being visited by an angel or a guide, perhaps from a cosmic version of tech support. Every movie has a director & a studio can produce several movies. Since life exists on earth, why couldn't it exist on other worlds as well? 
The Universe may have several channels or frequency layers. Observing & taking notes on coincidence & synchronicity can reveal many clues. Since ancient times, people first thought of the earth as being a disc for life & other data to exist upon. Perhaps the ancient concept of a flat or disc world was more of a symbolic concept of this world & the universe existing on several levels.
Referencing data & taking notes of the various aspects of the world & the universe at large.
Although Wikipedia articles are heavily reference here, its primarily just for a general purpose level. It is always important to do your own cross referencing of more in depth research data.