Sunday, October 10, 2010

Referencing Web Sites and Other Data Sources

DS & TDL::
DesertShapes is like a data vortex that provides several links to various websites & portals to help expand the POV or perspective of independent researchers & curious free thinking people in general.
- & DESERT-SHAPES (DS) are part of an extensive non-profit Data Referencing Project. The objective is to compare various aspects of reality through the research of popular culture. Especially, science and metaphysics, science-fiction & symbolism, coincidence & synchronicity, as well as general information & topics from various people & perspectives. DS & TDL are counterparts and occasional parallel blogs to each other.
The Process of Referencing & Linking Web Sites & Other Data Sources:
This is a blog system that heavily references various websites from all over the Internet. This project involves providing direct links or URLs to several web pages, so the authors or proprietors can be directly referenced for data on their websites, etc. This blog is for general searching & comparing of the works of various people, organizations & corporations, from a variety of backgrounds. This is all intended to be within the context of Fair Use of information.
Psychic abilities, the paranormal and & how other kinds of phenomenon intersect with the human experience is an integral part of this blog.
Sometimes the referenced links might just be from a few letters, words or numbers (11::11), & occasionally the entire URL will be posted. In any case, all referenced data becomes acknowledged & attributed to the proprietors or authors of the source data, simply by arriving at their site. Numbers & symbols are open to interpretation from several perspectives.
Example: A word like sheep, a number like 12, or the full URL, all leads back to the original web site & thus provides credit to the author or proprietor. Since web sites can contain several pages, sometimes I just want to refer to information on a specific web pages. It could be about a link to a movie that's based on a novel, or I want to directly link to information of the particular book on the authors site. Ultimately, these referenced links will lead back to the home page of the website. + Occasionally, I like to list some links that go to specific URLs on vast web sites. Philip_K._Dick#Ebooks PKD, Blade_Runner#Sequels &
Then sometimes I like to include some quotes from specific parts of web sites. {"References to "aircars" have been found as early as 1871 (New York Times). "Aerocars" appeared in science fiction as early as 1929. The first working flying car was probably Waldo Waterman's 1937 Aerobile. It had a wingspan of 38 feet and a length of 20 feet 6 inches. A Studebaker engine provided power for flight as well as on-road driving. It could fly at 110 MPH and drive at 55 MPH."} ,
Sometimes links are arranged in such a way to illustrate a point or make an observation about a topic or theme. , Skyscrapers_in_Los_Angeles , , Downtown - LA#Cityscape ,
Occasionally, I include my own comments & observations, on various topics, but mostly its about providing a lot of URLs for reference. This blog network is of a simple design so that its easier to distinguish it from the multitude of referenced websites out there. Sometimes a particular post will be updated a month or a year after its first posting.
Several people have a lot of skepticism, but one can still have an open mind about various things, & provide several examples of skepticism. However, being too skeptical might cause one to overlook or ignore certain clues about reality. This blog is for people of any level of curiosity, imagination & speculation about the nature of reality, time_and_space.