Andrew D. Basiago referred to a Chronovisor.
He talked about traveling through Space & Time#Holes.
Having crafts that can blink out & jump or skip through time & space is an ideal goal for any technological civilization. Quantum Teleportation Portals (QTP) would be the express conduit for any world. A Star_Gate & Jumpgate would be for far greater distances through space & time.
Like so many people, Andrew DB presents an interesting story with several fascinating concepts. However, such stories should be cross referenced with other accounts.
Gary_McKinnon is going through a very tough time.
Gary may very well have discovered several special ProjectS. Problem is, he gained access into some classified data. Cloaking technology & morphingmetals is hardly the half of it. So now the system can use his illegal access ability against him.
From the concept of a Time Machine from H._G._Wells to the continuing research into Gravitational_wells & Wormholes, an even larger story continues.
Possible Space & Time Navigation Vehicles.