Sunday, November 15, 2009

George Knapp, Bob Lazar & Area 51, etc.

Stanton Friedman disputes the Bob Lazar story, but I find both of their perspectives interesting.
The Road to Area 51
The enigmatic Bob Lazar story endures.,
{"On September 11, 1997 Art took a call from a frantic man claiming to be an ex-Area 51 employee who grew progressively more upset as the call wore on, culminating in the show's going temporarily off the air because of "satellite failure".}
{"This is the ORIGINAL airing, direct from cassette that I recorded from the original broadcast years ago. Most of the other online sound clips of this are from the rebroadcast, which for some reason seems to be edited, as the sound of the pilot being fired upon and crashing can be heard here in the original."}
Area 51 & other things.