Saturday, June 08, 2024

Andrew Paquette on Prophetic 9-11 Dreams, Visions and Synchronicity

Andrew_Paquette knows a thing or 2 about CGI, art & digital simulations... 

The Nature Of  Reality is all indicative that this world is part of something like a cosmic simulation, but even much more complex. An interactive matrix of time, matter and space for consciousness to act within. "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Of course in a cosmic scale creation, a program or a simulation, the details of every hair and particle are known. ,

VR might be the closest thing yet in attempting to establish a metaphor or allegory as to what is going on.


"The lawsuit against Carter was filed on October 13, which was both his birthday and Paquette's, as well as the name of Carter's production company, tenthirteen Productions." ,

Lots of people have dreams & visions or ideas of future events. Plus, one can usually find some synchronicity around it as well.

Morgan_Robertson got a book published in 1898 about a huge ship colliding with an iceberg on its maiden voyage. The story and even the First_Edition_Cover clearly depicted what would happen in 1912.,_Futility#Similarities_to_the_Titanic

Sometimes someone will get an idea about something long before it happens. Or, the synchronicity keep intersecting revealing a chain of events that goes beyond a simple coincidence.

Years before Joel_Silver would be producing the MATRIX movies, he produced the movie Commando and its main character was called, Matrix. 

"In upstate California, John Matrix, a former United States Army Special Forces Colonel, is informed by his former superior Major General Franklin Kirby that all the other members of his former unit have been killed by unknown mercenaries. The assassins attack Matrix's secluded mountain home and kidnap his young daughter Jenny. While trying to intercept them, Matrix is tranquilized and abducted by the mercenaries, led by Bennett, an ex-member of Matrix's team discharged for excessive violence. Bennett had faked his death and is now working with the mercenaries as revenge against Matrix. Matrix is taken before their commander, Arius, a former South American dictator whom Matrix removed from power. Arius blackmails Matrix into carrying out a political assassination in his home country of Val Verde, where he wishes to lead a military coup."

"Producer Joel Silver soon joined the project. Although the project had key supporters, including Silver and Di Bonaventura, to influence the company, The Matrix was still a huge investment for Warner Bros., which had to invest $60 million to create a movie with prominent actors and difficult special effects." "She headlined a short-lived made-in-Canada series entitled Matrix." The synchroniciy. "Back in the Matrix, Neo makes a telephone call, promising the machines that he will show their prisoners "a world where anything is possible." He hangs up and flies away." Thus, it is revealed in 1999 that Keanu_Reeves is the Superman of cyberspace or VR. AKA: Neo and Mr. Anderson. 

The Superman Synchronicity of Reeves , Reeve , Reeves & Steve_Reeves. 

Christopher_Reeve first starred as Superman in 1978.  

George_Reeves was the star of the 1950s TV Superman

Steve_Reeves played Hercules_(1958_film) , which of course is another variation of the strongman or the Superman.

In the 1920s, Billy_Mitchell tries to warn the military of a potential attack on Hawaii. 

"Mitchell came back with a 324-page report that predicted future war with Japan, including the attack on Pearl Harbor. Of note, Mitchell discounted the value of aircraft carriers in an attack on the Hawaiian Islands, believing they were of little practical use because they could not operate effectively on the high seas or deliver "sufficient aircraft in the air at one time to insure a concentrated operation".[44] Instead, Mitchell believed a surprise attack on the Hawaiian Islands would be conducted by land-based aircraft operating from islands in the Pacific.[45] His report, published in 1925 as the book Winged Defense, foretold wider benefits of an investment in air power, believing it to be, at both that time and in the future, "a dominating factor in the world's development", both for national defense and economic benefit."

"Gullion also ridicules Mitchell's claims, such as his prediction that Japan would attack the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor."

"Mitchell continued to speak out about the importance of air power until his death in 1936.  When the Air Force became independent from the Army in 1947, it was proclaimed, “The Day Billy Mitchell Dreamed Of.”  In 1955, Gary Cooper portrayed Mitchell in the film, The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell.   Then in 1956, Mitchell’s son petitioned the Air Force to overturn the court-martial, which they did in 1957.  The board stated, “The conclusion is inescapable in the board’s opinion that Mitchell was tried for his views rather than a violation of Article 96.”

About 5 miles east of Pearl Harbor is Honolulu_Harbor and the Aloha_Tower, which opened in 1926 on 9-11. "The building was designed by American architect George Bergstrom and built by contractor John McShain. Ground was broken on 11 September 1941..." 1941-12-7

There was the Project_for_the_New_American_Century in 1997.

"...a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses titled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." 2001