Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Moon Landings

It seems that there is more growing doubt about the lunar landings.
Although officially, the technology was feasible and was developed. ,

"This clip is raw from Camera E-8 on the launch umbilical tower/mobile launch program of Apollo 11, July 16, 1969." -

However, there is another level of technology that's not general public knowledge. Thus, there are at least 2 perspectives as to whats happened.

The moon has many secrets & things. from LunaCognita

"On December 7, 1972, NASA launched Apollo 17, a lunar mission crewed by Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt. It would be the last time humans traveled beyond low Earth orbit, the last time man landed on another celestial body, and the last time man went to the moon. The Last Steps uses rare, heart-pounding footage and audio to retrace the record-setting mission. A film by Todd Douglas Miller." from Great Big Story

Apollo 11 - UFOs Filmed in Cis-Lunar Space - 16mm DAC footage (stabilized/enhanced)  LunaCognita

There has been a lot of traffic between the earth and the moon moon for quite a while. Its just a matter of what level of technology and whose tech is being used?  

Aliens in the NASA Archives - More Stunning NASA UFO Anomalies Captured On Film  LunaCognita

Of course some of it is otherworldly tech, its been that way for a very longs time.