Tuesday, December 15, 2015

other side of midnight .com/ c-knowles-replay-from-nov-26

I'm glad that the show with Christopher+Knowles is a repeat, as there is so much fascinating info to review.
However, is it indicative that RCH will no longer be able to do that many new shows on the DMRN?

Its so sad that someone is causing trouble for Art Bell again, forcing him to take another indefinite leave of absence from his show. Of course, this affects RCH and the well received, othersideofmidnight.com. It also puts an overall strain on the darkmatterdigitalnetwork.com , created by, the extremely dedicated Keith Rowland.

It appears that KR will try to keep the DMDN going for another month, with a possibility of a longer duration, depending upon how things develop over the next few weeks.

It would be so much easier if everyone could just take The_High_Road, but this world isn't that simple, things can  easily get out of control.