Monday, September 07, 2015

David Paulides: Unexplained Human Disappearances...

After listening to David+Paulides on various shows & programs, you start to realize that something very big & disturbing is going on. DP continually reports the facts & lets you arrive at your own conclusions. If he speculated that its all of an ET or paranormal nature, many people would simply dismiss his research.
By presenting data in an objective format, it motivates curious people to really ponder as to what is going on. The fact is, something throughout history has been taking various people & not always returning them alive, if at all.

If something from another world is abducting people, then most people can never officially be told.
If something from another dimension is taking people to hell or some place better, the general public still can't be told. Who wants to be told that they are part of somethings lab experiment? Who wants to be told that they are on a farm-factory planet?

15 Unexplained Human Disappearances

David Paulides is trying to inform curious people about one of the most horrible things imaginable to the human condition, without jumping to conclusions.

Remember, ignorance is bliss...most people have no idea of what's going on this planet.