Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Alimentary Canal

Adventures on The Alimentary Canal provides plenty of interesting observations about food & shit, life & death, etc.

Wow, a show about excremental entertainment.,

Mary Roach mentioned a doctor with an interesting name.,,-md.aspx

Mary Roach mentioned worms & other parasites.,,,,,

The alimentary_canal & the human_gastrointestinal_tract have been connected to various sci-fi & monster movies through the years.
These movies provide quite a disturbing form of, excremental entertainment.
"...The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence). Six has revealed that the film will again be very different from the previous part but will also start with its ending, so in the end the parts of the trilogy would form one continuous film about four and a half hours long, making it similar to a centipede."
"Davenport, however, not wanting to have it end on such an abrupt note, created another one which had Rachel going back to the apartment, picking up one of the eggs and being attacked by a face-grabbing creature similar to the one that attacked the woman in the cottage, and ultimately the film was released with this ending."

"Ivan Reitman, who directed the film, also made "Ghostbusters," and there are times when you can see that he remembers his earlier success all too well. Both movies have vast gaseous monsters, although only this one, keenly alert to the bodily orifice du jour, gives us Help! I'm Trapped Up the Alien's Sphincter! jokes. I have days on the movie beat when I don't know if I'm a critic or a proctologist."

The movie, Evolution provides some enema entertainment or a silly version of excremental entertainment.
"The team empties stores of the shampoo and steal a firetruck. Everyone pours the shampoo into the truck's water tanks, while Allison and Ira bond. The napalm strike begins early however, triggering a gargantuan amoeba-like organism to bulge out from the caves and kill the caves' other aliens; it then begins to divide to start the process over. The team decides to push on despite this set back and drive the firetruck under the organism, where they find a rectal hole. Harry climbs the firetruck's ladder and inserts the firehose to pump in the shampoo, causing the organism to explode."

You might want to do more than ship your pants...
Indeed, sometimes its better to shape up & ship out, rather than be stuck on a vessel that's suppose to be in shipshape, not shit shape condition.