Saturday, July 07, 2012

Merlin, Prophecy & Hidden Agendas, Whether its the Merlin Project or Recorded_Future, lots of people have been fascinated with the concept of seeing through time. John-Hogue has done a lot of prophecy research into Nostradamus & other sources. If this world, galaxy & universe is part of a cosmic interactive recording & projection of space & time, then information can be accessed by those that can perceive it.
Stan Johnson of was on for the first time. He mentioned CERN and CERNUNOS & the Hindu God Shiva. He referenced a series of movies & other things from a Christian perspective.
This site observes things from a biblical perspective.
Of course, not everyone is of the same religion or even follows any particular one in the first place. However, people can still look at things from various perspectives. Stan Johnson also mentioned Stargate technology & DNA splicing.

Angels are mythical beings found throughout many cultures & some of them aren't friendly towards people.
Technological beings from other worlds might seem like angels to some. According to various account throughout history, angels are energy beings that don't require vehicles or other technologies to travel around. They seem to be on another wavelength or frequency of reality. However, they can also interact with this reality.