Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Richard Dolan: the UFO Enigma

Richard Dolan has seen too much over the years, so its difficult to think that earth is the only place with intelligent life. However the $Y$TEM doesn't want too many people thinking that advanced life can exist on other worlds & the places in between. Things like, water-organic-molecules will just get people to ask more questions. Apparently humans are suppose to just go through life with a limited imagination & limited sense of thinking. Fortunately some people do consider it very likely that life exists far beyond the earth & throughout the universe. Richard Dolan mentioned Wright-Patterson_Air_Force_Base & then Richard Sauder.
Its just as difficult for the $Y$TEM to officially acknowledge that high technology might have existed thousands, or even millions of years ago on this & other worlds.
Like Richard Dolan, Jose-Escamilla has discovered that there are many interesting & mysterious things flying around. Some worlds & their civilizations might occasionally experience a colossal event which can devastate a civilization & leave a broken planet.

Ins and Outs