Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Graham Hancock, Altered States and Shamans, ETc.

What if earth was visited long ago by something similar to The+Gorn? There are several myths & legends about symbolic intelligent reptilian beings.

The BIG & the small.

"Researcher and author Graham Hancock discussed how humanity received a jump start some 40,000 years ago, when our ancestors took psychoactive plants and had contacts with non-terrestrial beings who served as teachers. Their visions and encounters were depicted on cave paintings, he said. The Amazonian hallucinogenic brew known as ayahuasca is being used today, and its active ingredient DMT, is naturally made in the human pineal gland. People who have spontaneous visions may produce higher levels of this chemical in their bodies, he noted.
In Dr. Rick Strassman's experimental studies of DMT, users reported experiences similar to alien abduction scenarios, Hancock reported. In fact, aliens, fairies, and spirit beings may all be the same thing, just construed differently based on cultural frameworks, Hancock suggested. He argued that hallucinogens such as ayahuasca should be made legal, as they help to advance the freedom of consciousness.
Hancock touched on some of his other areas of research, detailing how a lost civilization predating the Egyptians, created the megalithic structures on the Giza Plateau. This civilization was destroyed in a global cataclysm-- something that we may face in our own time as part of a recurring cycle of destruction, he warned. The ancient Mayans created a calendar that is strikingly accurate, more so than the Gregorian one we use today, he added."
All throughout earths history & legends, Graham_Hancock is one of many that have described visions or encounters with benevolent or neutral reptilian beings. Like human beings, other sentient beings & entities can span the consciousness spectrum from being benevolent to malevolent.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilian_humanoids ,
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The spectrum of consciousness from the light to the darkness is quite a thing to explore.