Monday, December 13, 2010

Jim Marrs on The Elite

Jim Marrs is a regular guest on & shared his perspective of the elite. Just because one group of wealthy people is in touch with other wealthy folks, doesn't mean that they all share the same objectives. However, its in the best interest of the elite to maintain their wealth & power. Not everyone wants to be a billionaire, but most people would like to have a comfortable living. Some of the very wealthy don't work & lots of the poor don't work. If a person has enough money to not have to work for a living, they are fortunate. Lots of poor folks can't find enough work to earn a comfortable living. Sometimes there aren't enough jobs or many pay a low wage. In spite of human intelligence reaching into the 21st century, poverty shows no sign of being corrected. Most of the wealth f the world is helled by a small percentage that keeps getting richer. There should be a way where the majority of people can earn a comfortable living. The current survival of the fittest model enables the largest corporations to gobble up the medium & especially the smaller ones. This makes it very easy for the rich to get richer & the working poor fall into poverty.
Eventually nature or man will dramatically reduce the population. The elite don't need 7 billion people, just about 500 million with limited breeding & less freedom. The Georgia Guidestones provide a mysterious & cryptic clue of the future. The current human growth rate isn't sustainable, unless the elite start to share a little more of the wealth. Affordable housing & more jobs that pay a comfortable living wage or salary. Instead, nations are played against each other & factories are closed & relocated to the cheapest workforce. Trickle down economics has lead more people into the gutter over the years.
The push for more global sustainability solutions continues every year. When does guidance become interference? If humanity doesn't start to better manage this overpopulated world, nature will at some point. One of the harsh laws of nature is dealing with overpopulation of any particular species.