Sunday, May 31, 2009

John Barbour, JFK and EO 11110...

John Barbour & the Jim Garrison Tapes. /garrison.html
"Executive Order 11110 Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289, as amended, relating to the performance of certain functions affecting the Department of the Treasury
Signed: June 4, 1963
Federal Register page and date: 28 FR 5605; June 7, 1963
Amends: EO 10289, September 17, 1951"
{On June 4, 1963, John F Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110. This gave the U.S. Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. This gave the U.S. government back its power to issue currency, while stripping the Federal Reserve's power to loan money to the government at interest.[62] If enough of those silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. Executive Order No. 11110 is still valid.[63] }
"The scenario of the film may have been inspired by the clash between General Curtis LeMay and President John F. Kennedy. It is suspected that LeMay, furious after the Cuban missile crisis for not being allowed to use his atomic bombs, talked to some of his staff about removing the President from power."