Monday, March 10, 2025

Big mama data, will we all become telekinetic? 

In Upgrade a quadriplegic gets an AI STEM chip installed. Eventually, it not only helps him to regain the agile mobility of his body, it ultimately takes over his mind and body. , , ,

Forbidden_Planet is partly about a destroyed ancient civilization that was connected to their version of a cerebral metaverse reality generator, run by a deep underground massive supercomputer. Every monsterous thought or horrible scenario could be brought into physical existence when they were sleeping. ,

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Hollow Earth, The Alien Lake, And Other Frozen Mysteries

It could be more of a case of huge caverns than a hollow planet.

Graham Hancock

Graham+Hancock can really get you to question reality and history.

What Is This Mysterious Sunken Object Beneath The Baltic Sea?

The discovery of any Underwater+Extraterrestrial+Ships would immediately be declared forbidden knowledge. 

In the movie, Sphere a crashed spaceship is found on the ocean floor. Upon exploration an interactive Sphere is found stored within it. Was it an AI-ET drone or a Foo_Fighter probe?